Friday, January 9, 2015

Government Contracts for Inorganic Mulch

when is something sold, when is it "goods", and when do you shift from seller to purveyor?
the film that brought you the unbearable philosophies of war
the sticky label in the jacket pocket "ten tiny Mexican cups $1.50"
the haiku so clever it must be explained
hot air whistling dryly, ineffectively, from bent metal vents, at least the sound is warm
Can we sell ourselves a story as good as that one on 700 pieces of paper
someone has stitched together?
Is that done in China, too, like the bluejeans and the Applepliances?
Great concern for dust in the workplace, little notice of dust in the lungs.
Sell the folk horoscopes with ocelots, & polar bears, the attacking kind
also the drone that's just a bottle-fly
Working on the concept of "when" before hearing the rest of the question
Conceiving without eggs, or nest, or the glimmer of Spring.

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