Saturday, January 3, 2015


I’ve laughed more and looked sadder every year
I haven’t felt tired til I’ve stopped dancing
and then I’ve been a deadweight
I’ve herded my family to the car
I’ve tugged my friends down the sidewalk
I’ve flown across countries at inopportune times
I’ve done whatever it takes to get home
and I’ve carried a rock in my pocket the whole time

I’ve cried at the beach, in the shower, on the bike
I’ve hidden in bed, in the trees, in plain sight
I’ve called and was never called back
and then I’ve called again

everything but the rock I’ve carried in my pocket
is broken
everything but the rock I’ve carried in my pocket
is jagged and awkward from where it broke
everything but the rock I’ve carried in my pocket
doesn’t know how to live in this world
doesn’t know where to sit at the party
doesn’t know what to say to relatives
doesn’t know when to say goodbye

I’ve split my face apart trying
and then I’ve refused to keep secrets
I’ve stayed when I could have left
I’ve picked things up when they weren’t mine
and put things down when they were
I’ve carried this rock in my pocket because I can’t change it
and I’ve never wanted to
for a long time now I’ve known
everything I love is broken
and I’ve just wanted to go home