Sunday, January 4, 2015


Half a plaster body in white-out snow the edge of island destination such a pleasant thought.
Today it was too warm. What am I without weather when I'm writing, 7 pages through a
fantasy 1 year in and no weather yet, just a mother's elegy the mystic girlhood
set in Jersey City, maybe. When I saw this statue in the snow, the creek, construction, street, the
greatest use of looking at the snow i ever used or looked at, at which I looked, a year or two ago.
What even was the weather which i barely felt today, what was it, it was nothing what is
the weather when it's not a thing it's just the air which [as an office worker] I don't know
the science...of. Of which the science I don't know. My office, see, is windowless
a closet filled with gals of which I am a one. A half-a-plaster-body in the wet gray sun.

1 comment:

  1. yes -- "what is
    the weather when it's not a thing" ---
    same over here, neutral and nothing :(
